Eating Swallow The Right Way
How do you feel when you see someone eating Swallow with their hands at a restaurant? I bet your first thought is—this guy is razz; this guy is local with zero class.
There’s a certain etiquette expected from you when going out to eat. Between the written and unwritten rules of it all, subconsciously, you know how to act when you’re at the table. Every now and then, there’s always the awkward situation with someone whose completely clueless or inconsiderate.
We’ve been taught that things are done in a certain way. Then we frown upon what doesn’t conform. Some actions are considered impolite, disgusting or downright uncivilized.
The question is, who defined or dictated the standards? With colonization, came a new culture that we embraced. We left what we knew and embraced what we were told is better and more “civilized”. Could it be that this was a denial of our culture and true heritage? Should it really be considered razz or uncouth to eat swallow with your hands at a restaurant?
With the Fufu challenge making waves all over TikTok and other social media channels, there’s one thing I’ve found interesting. People who try it out are always excited to learn about the proper way to eat fufu.
We may not realize there is a technique to eating swallow because it’s part of the Nigerian subconscious mind. The proper thumb-and-finger pinch to pull off a bite. Then the roll of the swallow from the palm to the tips of the fingers as it’s lowered into soup to scoop a mouthful.
A lot of Nigerians tend to look down at anyone eating swallow with their hands when they are outside. This technique is believed to be more befitting to be done at home. In this day and age, it’s about time we embraced our true self.
Chinese food is predominantly eaten with chopsticks. We as Nigerians should embrace eating swallow with our hands even at the fine dining scene.
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